About VMM
Welcome to the website of Vietnam Marketplace Ministries (VMM). VMM was founded by Vietnamese Christian and for Vietnam and beyond.
Our Vision
To see growing Vietnamese people in the business and working life experiencing realities of strategies and plans becoming an outward manifestation of an inward walk of faith and glorious manifestations of the Kingdom of God at work.
Our Mission
To Encourage, Equip and Serve Christians to experience a release into a new dimension of faith, hope, love and freedom in their business and working lives.
Serving Jesus Christ’s body through inspiring God’s Words to bold steps by faith and just say God’s Word.
Equipping workplace disciples to live healthy Christian lives and make disciples in our workplaces.
Establishing CLN discipleship groups in mayor cities.
Discipling workplaces though multiplying disciple makers and discipleship groups.
Planting healthy disciple groups
Building strategic partnerships in workplaces and urban area
Developing resources and doing mentoring Marketplace Leaders and Church Leaders
Multiply discipleship groups through City Light Network
Goal 1:
To increase frequent listeners of the Word of God through VMM’s media in 2020
Goal 2:
To equip 120 marketplace Disciple Makers qua dự án “Kingdom Ambassadors in Workplaces”
Goal 3:
To coach and do mentoring 70 NextGen young professionals (MPMB.ers) who become workplace missionaries on 2020
Goal 4:
To develop additional resources, including coaching and mentoring materials, to help men and women live their faith and calling in and through the workplace.
Core Values
Trustworthy & A given attitude
Holy Spirit Led
Stay alert and obey His voice
Excellence In Stewardship
A given attitude
Kingdom Embassadors
City & Nations
All Nations
Muốn thấy thật nhiều Cơ Đốc nhân tỏa sáng và ảnh hưởng cho Chúa trong vai trò mà Chúa đặt để trong nơi làm việc
Marketplace Biblical Mentoring
Chúng tôi nóng lòng chờ đón những Cơ Đốc nhân với tấm lòng khát khao là muối của đất, ánh sáng của thế gian; sống bày tỏ và làm sáng danh Chúa trong môi trường làm việc.
Young Professionals
Góp phần phát triển một thế hệ Cơ Đốc nhân có tiềm năng lãnh đạo mới tạo nơi làm việc, một thế hệ có nhiệt huyết trở nên những cá nhân xuất sắc tại các doanh nghiệp, có sức thu hút đặc biệt đồng nghiệp, khách hàng đến với Chúa Jesus.
Groups in HCM:
- CTL Q1
- CTL Tan Binh
- CTL Thu Duc
- CTL Q7